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Hoploads Policies Statemnt  Privacy Statement
Billing policy:

All accounts are billed the 1st day of each month.
Credit cards are billed on the CURRENT month.
Invoices are billed ONE MONTH IN ADVANCE.
For invoice accounts payments are due here by the last day of each month. Please adjust your payments so they arrive on time. If you would like your invoice emailed so it arrives quicker please send a note with your check.

Cancelation/Suspending Service Policy:

You must be a member for a full calendar month, so if your first month was prorated you must continue through the next month. Anyone wishing to suspend or cancel his or her account is to notify us BEFORE the 1st day of the month. Your account will then be canceled the last day of that cycle. Anyone calling in after the billing has already been processed for the month will not receive a full refund. For invoice members, failure to call and cancel will result in a $25 administration fee. This fee is being charged to cover the cost of the extra time and labor of office staff.

Activation Policy:

Trial accounts are activated immediately but be sure to write down the user name and password. All full accounts that are paid with a credit card are activated as quickly as possible by customer service. Your credit card will be billed at that time. Accounts that are invoiced and paid by check will not be activated until the first payment is received and we invoice one month in advance. When signing up please list a phone number you can be reached at right away. (Customer Service 800-665-7432)

Returned Checks:

A $35 return check fee will be added to the members account.

Reactivation Policy:

Returning members please call to reactivate your account. (Customer Service 800-665-7432) Any unpaid balance has to be taken care of before reactivating an account. 

Unacceptable Business Practices Policy:

We strive to allow only HONEST businesses to be members of Hoploads. However once in a while someone complains about a company when they have had a bad experience. Our policy has no exceptions.
1. A complaint is filed against another member
2. We contact that member and let them know there has been a complaint.
3. Unless otherwise asked, we give them the name of the member that has filed the complaint.
4. We allow some time for the problem to be resolved.
5. If a second complaint is filed by another member, the offending members account is canceled and they will be banned from the site.

Passwords and User IDs:

User IDs and Passwords are to be used by employees within your OWN Company. They are not to be given to anyone outside the member’s company. Anyone giving out his or her user ID and password will be canceled.
Hoploads LLC
P. O. Box 1733
Murray, KY 42071
660.678.0149 fax

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